DS Marriott
get on get on
I remember the sheering
semicircles and orbits
greenblack or vermillion
and the scissored air & sharp turns
like skin or conjunctions
insecure squatters on the lines
and each heartopened movement
a thread of embroidery
or line capsizing
or word
lost in the morning of each mist
(sailors in white stockings)
delicate like loyalty or hate--
and each point of departure
hovering in between the stations
a blur on the brim of estates
furring the edges
of expectations
eyes listening
for the inventories
unexpectedly triumphant or doleful--
doo boys
for whom there is no reply
that does not end
here on the horizon
of each cleaving stroke
where each promise was kept
and each breath was held
an unforgiving song of retribution
a desolation neither fixed nor seldom
the colours (ever
echoing each tumble and swoop
Copyright DS Marriott 2014
DS Marriott is the author of In Neuter (Equipage, 2013) and The Bloods (Shearsman, 2011). He is
currently completing a book of essays on the work of Frantz Fanon.