Mark Young
Oral history has never been
above a good dick joke. Some
come with bad hairdos, others
use supple goat skin leather that
fits like a sack of walnuts so
cinema also has an important
part to play. Too much fertilizer
may cause spots & marginal
burning, though a bit of glue on
the spline should sort that out.
&, if confusion persists, put one
leg in water, the other on land.
The FBI joined forces
with The Rolling Stones'
drummer today to create
the ultimate spiritual
matrix, a small bronze
figure of a dakini, shaped
from tackle boxes & a
jerry can, with gold acrylic
paint, in another clever re-
cycling of objects that
might otherwise wind
up as tasteless mindfill.
JOHN 3.16
No lesbian home
is complete with-
out a happy &
growing christian family
of many ages & back-
grounds installed
as smoke detectors
in the kitchen.
geographies: OKINAWA
I've never been a huge fan
of slave daguerreotypes
or the specific hydrological
characteristics found as
large jugs of 'Dutch' shape
in sphagnum-dominated
peatlands, but an inter-
active exploration of 1893
implies that the iterative
elimination of factory marks
on the jugs' bases dominated
the first half of the year &
that from July on, sugar
production promoted a
buildup in the manufacture
of mechanical engineering
products. Science has made
considerable advances; but
theories of an abrupt change
in globular proteins in magma
generation processes show that
proofs of concept still dominate.
Copyright © Mark Young 2015
Mark Young's most recent books are a chapbook of visual poems, Arachnid Nebula, from Luna Bisonte Prods, HOTUS POTUS from Meritage Press in California, & the ebook A Small Compendium of Bats, from Swirl books in Sweden.