Catherine Hales
from city state
§ 10
slant cast of light on roof tiles weak as luck
wd have it tenuous der gott der stadt
for delinquent imaginings starlings
swarming at dusk cracks of land left to thrive
away from cctv various
conflicting patterns of control & in
terference democratic deficit
limited by density of darkness
those of us who've acquired immunity
to eloquence street view photoshopped an
easy way through undergrowth in which the
artist is seen to be at once far more
& much less than her wireless vigilance
was not compulsory that's my window
§ 11
trained sights of rooftop mounted battery
clear skies again & the air warming these
streets she inhabits as an afterthought
in the exclusion zone in compliance
weight of blossom pounding a late april
that changed the body's narrative as the
ground water is extracted the city
subsides speaking on a poor quality
line she describes the scene banks & ditches
of interest in the excavation of
urban settlement environments just
below the surface containered accre-
tion of the minimum position but
they never found the time to be happy
§ 12
the obsessive spirit will always search
for means to ratify its borders its
nastier moments on older maps the
country is a multicoloured bruise should
the market be the arbiter of your
worth its savage requirements selecting
bugsplats the core business of joined-up gov-
ernment delivering comfort in bull-
et points taking out dead peasants insur-
ance age determined from telomere lengths
the science fits the message always on
cue for representation also re-
quires participation to function the
pawns benefit at best indirectly
§ 13
leaving a few patches of wildness here
& there finding evidence of species
we weren't necessarily expecting
to find from reading the label when did
wrongness set in how long was it merely
inchoate a shadow on the wall while
our attention was elsewhere a break with
all that she decided & left no note
under the doormat or flowerpot at
her various residences taken
together the indications widen
the pool surface intricacies devolve
into feasible stratagems filling
in the gaps nobody felt like dancing
§ 14
more snow & we'll all still muddle through some-
how wholesome repetition of it can't
be much longer can it she mentioned in
passing the demise of the launderette
as a social phenomenon accu-
mulated deities ever more hid-
eous in the attic it all just felt
normal that building is empty he said
pointing at the nearest skyscraper that
one too & that one stucco figures or-
namenting common tenements from an
age before the bottom line gritting trucks
out in force pop-up news on morning so-
fas malodorous aftermath static
Copyright Catherine Hales 2013
also by Catherine Hales: history lesson