Gerrie Fellows
Into the weather
on cracked basaltic lavas, sheeny between tussocks
under white - grey - blue
high pylons crossing
and the spring birds only sounds
in the sounds of last night's rain rills
streaming off the Muirshiel to the rift of the Clyde
The sky we are under busy with cloud and colour
clumped with light
the wind enters
slams shut its gunmetal stratus over jolted footsteps
the ruts of wheels and hooves
until all that is luminous
is a last glowing rail of northern light
Into the leaden, blank under cloud
that closes over us, walking the footfall of miners
between iron track and sky the settling ponds'
unreflective puddles of smoky rain
What’s left
fenced with wire
in the deep cut of the mine barytes' glittering fragments
of cracked pink a history
of the men who worked it
in the undercut rim of the burn in the gullies in the twist
of invisible seams
What's luminous here is denser than water
deeper than shafts sunk into
flickering snow
a white jigsaw on flattened grass
tipped and broken bodies
rock and metal crushed
What shines
is sleet blown in our faces a pearly luminescence
then nothing but dancing
over bogs
over jewelled green hollows a cosmetic radiance
in the pattern and patina
of porcelain of paint and paper
a white pigment
denser than mist
closes law and muir
to fence line trig point cairn
to just ourselves half-seen
in a backing wind
in the cyclone's deep low the echo
of men, half-heard underground
of women in the ruined houses
in the crushing mill
in the roar of a waterfall children, the clatter of ponies
The high aircraft crossing only sounds, invisible to us
sunlit over flat and curving earth
What's luminous here shines as barytes shines
blank under cloud
Copyright © Gerrie Fellows 2015
Gerrie Fellows' most recent collection is The Body in Space (Shearsman 2014). Earlier work includes two book-length sequences, Window for a Small Blue Child and The Powerlines. Her poetry can be found at She lives and works in Glasgow. Four of her poems appeared in Molly Bloom 6.